
Archive for March, 2012|Monthly archive page

As It Rains In March So It Rains In June

In Uncategorized on March 15, 2012 at 4:12 pm

Myles admires and pats his new Gloucestershire Old Spots.

Nibbles, the Shropshire (left) and Midnight, the black Romney. 

Our flock needs a shearing.

Before we get to scheduling a shear, we have to attend to some of the other farm animals: the second and third batches of meat birds need to be processed next week (Cornish Crosses and Kosher Kings), a Tamworth, and a Gloustershire Old Spot/Tamworth/Hampshire cross pig will be processed, and a Dorset ram lamb needs to be picked up and quarantined for flock health safety, before he is allowed in areas with other animals. Then I think we will look at the weather and find a few dry days to have the shearer come and help our ewes out of their warm wool coats.  There is never a dull moment here on the farm!

Remember that we have lamb chops, shank and leg, as well as similar cuts of goat, plus heritage breed pastured pork, and whole roasting chickens. 


Welcome Home New GOS Pigs

In General Farm News, Pigs on March 9, 2012 at 5:49 pm

Last weekend, we took a trip that wound up being a most-of-a-day affair, to purchase four new four a a half month old Gloucestershire Old Spot pigs.  Since they are all beautiful females, they will become the foundation of a new breeding line of GOS’s on our farm, and we hope that they will produce many litters of happy, healthy little spotted piglets!







Wells Tavern Farm Price List – Spring 2012 all prices are per pound.    


Loin Chops 7.70

Rib Chops 7.50

Shoulder Chops 6.75

Country Ribs 7.50

Ground Pork 6.50

Sweet Italian Sausage 8.

Hot Italian Sausage 8.* low stock

Breakfast Sausage 8. * out of stock

Fresh Polish Kielbasa Coil 9.

Garlic Parmesan Sausage Links 9.

Maple Syrup Cured Hickory Smoked Bacon 8.

Maple Syrup Cured Hickory Smoked Ham Steaks 8.



Shank 7.50

Whole Leg of Lamb 8.99

Shoulder Chops 9.99

Rib and Loin Chops 13.99



Whole Leg of Goat 8.99

Shoulder Chops 9.99

Rib and Loin Chops 13.99

Rack of Ribs (aka ‘Breast of Goat’) 7.50

Goat Stew Meat 7.99 * out of stock


Whole Bird 4.50/lb



*asterisk denotes supplies low, restocking soon, check for availability.